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Diversity, Equity
and Inclusion

Student Equity Program
at Butte College

Butte College’s Student Equity Program is committed to fostering diversity, inclusion, 和公平,同时促进校园学习环境,鼓励和支持所有学生坚持他们的教育目标,提高他们的留校率和毕业率. 学生公平项目捍卫所有学生获得有意义的教育机会的权利,并努力确定和确保各种资源, supports, 以及为受到严重影响的学生提供这些机会所需的服务.

学生平等项目还提供领导和问责制,通过参与研究,为所有皇冠新现金网的学生解决系统性不平等问题, community outreach, professional development, 通过扩大获得和成功的途径,促进健康和吸引人的校园氛围.

Get Involved in Student
Equity at Butte College

  • The BC Bloom

    Issue #1 Issue #2 Issue #3 Issue #4

  • Conference Opportunities

    Students can secure student equity funding to attend academic conferences. 学生们过去参加过的一些会议包括移民青年赋权会议, the Historically Black Colleges and Universities tour, the Afrikan Black Conference, the California Conference on American Indian Education Conference, and the African American Male Education Network and Development (A2MEND) Conference. If a student is interested in attending an equity-related academic conference, they should contact Student Equity Program Coordinator Yvette Zúñiga at 

  • Cultural Awareness Community of Practice

    文化意识实践社区是一个为期一年的专业发展项目,旨在帮助教职员工更好地理解和充分满足不同文化背景的学生和同事的需求. 每月一次的七堂课集中探讨与种族有关的关键概念, gender, sexuality, ability, and class, 2)为处于边缘身份交叉点的学生和同事提供实用的支持策略. 该项目旨在培养一种包容的文化,为有色人种学生创造一个更受欢迎的校园环境, disabled students, and queer students. 参加该项目的个人将提高他们对受压迫历史的认识, build capacity to engage in social justice work, and examine their own beliefs and identities. 实践文化意识社区从9月开始的一学年每月举行一次会议. Please contact Laura Rapozo-Davis at 如果你有兴趣加入下一届文化意识实践社区.

  • Conference Opportunities

    我们鼓励教职员申请学生权益基金,参加与权益有关的会议. Some of the conferences that are eligible for funding include the following:

    • American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Inc.

      美国高等教育拉美裔美国人协会(AAHHE)致力于解决影响拉美裔美国人的问题和关切, with a focus on higher education.

    • California Conference on American Indian Education

      提倡为美国原住民家庭提供优秀的学术和教育机会, educators, tribal leaders, and board members.

    • Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institution Educators (AHSIE)

      HSI/Title V最佳实践会议:为HSI学生的成功建立和维持强有力的伙伴关系

    • Faculty Association of California Community Colleges Education Institute

      平等思想辅导员会议侧重于辅导员在学生平等倡议中发挥的作用,并提供有关最佳实践和策略的信息,旨在改善所有学生的结果,而不考虑种族, ethnicity, or socio-economic background.

    • Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities


    • NCBI Leadership for Diversity Institute

      Teaches participants hands-on, practical skills for building cultural competency, welcoming diversity, and increasing unity and inclusion.

    • Office of Diversity and Inclusion

      National Conference of Diversity, Race & 学习为“多样性”这一概念及其在高等教育机构中的实施提供了多层次的检验, the corporate world, the religious community, the larger community, including public service.

    • National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education

      A dynamic annual conference held over five days that builds a community of inclusion; it is a place for building skills, alliances, and knowledge about issues of race and ethnicity in higher education.

    • Strengthening Student Success


    • Resilience of Racism Conference


    • StirFry Seminars

      Cross-Cultural Facilitation Skills for Diversity Trainers Educators & Therapists: Five Day Intensive

  • Faculty Alliance for Inquiry and Research (FAIR) Classrooms

    All of our students come to us with life-changing hopes, dreams, and goals, 我们希望相信,我们所有的学生离开教室后,都离实现这些目标更近了一步, but that is not always the case. 全系统和大学水平的数据表明,我们的机构并没有为所有学生群体提供同样的机会. The FAIR Classrooms Program provides a unique opportunity for faculty to:

    • 访问有关不同学生群体在您的特定课程中的表现的数据

    • Develop and use inquiry processes to improve student engagement and completion

    • Learn equity-minded classroom practices used by other educational leaders

    • Build a community of support with like-minded faculty

    参加公平课堂需要承诺在学期中每周五上四节四小时的课. Full time faculty who participate are eligible for .5 units of longevity credit, or a stipend, or 17 hours of FLEX (your choice). 以下是目前参与该项目的皇冠新现金网教师的一些评论:

    “Really enlightening discussion at today’s gathering! 关于教学大纲的信息和论述尤其令我震惊. 多年来,所有的“法律主义”语言教师都被要求/强烈鼓励纳入我们的教学大纲(通常来自管理部门或过去具有挑战性的学生行为)。, I feel the humanity has been scrubbed from my syllabus! My syllabus is up for a radical re-design next semester!”

    “关于特定学生群体和我们实践的特定方面的对话非常鼓舞人心. 我的笔记中充满了具体的新想法,我可能会使用这些新想法来实现与股权相关的目标. 在这个小组和我们的会议中,也有一个非常有价值的动机水平. Rejuvenating, exciting, purposeful.”

    If you are interested in participating in the FAIR Classrooms Program, please contact Student Equity Director Monica Brown via email at or by phone at (530) 893-7737.

  • Cultural Awareness Community of Practice

    文化意识实践社区是一个为期一年的专业发展项目,旨在帮助教职员工更好地理解和充分满足不同文化背景的学生和同事的需求. 每月一次的七堂课集中探讨与种族有关的关键概念, gender, sexuality, ability, and class, 2)为处于边缘身份交叉点的学生和同事提供实用的支持策略. 该项目旨在培养一种包容的文化,为有色人种学生创造一个更受欢迎的校园环境, disabled students, and queer students. 参加该项目的个人将提高他们对受压迫历史的认识, build capacity to engage in social justice work, and examine their own beliefs and identities. 实践文化意识社区从9月开始的一学年每月举行一次会议. Please contact Laura Rapozo-Davis at 如果你有兴趣加入下一届文化意识实践社区.

  • Conference Opportunities

    鼓励教师申请学生股权基金,参加与股权相关的会议机会. Some of the conferences that are eligible for funding include the following:

    • American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Inc.

      美国高等教育拉美裔美国人协会(AAHHE)致力于解决影响拉美裔美国人的问题和关切, with a focus on higher education.

    • California Conference on American Indian Education

      提倡为美国原住民家庭提供优秀的学术和教育机会, educators, tribal leaders, and board members.

    • Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institution Educators (AHSIE)

      HSI/Title V最佳实践会议:为HSI学生的成功建立和维持强有力的伙伴关系

    • Faculty Association of California Community Colleges Education Institute

      平等思想辅导员会议侧重于辅导员在学生平等倡议中发挥的作用,并提供有关最佳实践和策略的信息,旨在改善所有学生的结果,而不考虑种族, ethnicity, or socio-economic background.

    • Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities


    • NCBI Leadership for Diversity Institute

      Teaches participants hands-on, practical skills for building cultural competency, welcoming diversity, and increasing unity and inclusion.

    • Office of Diversity and Inclusion

      National Conference of Diversity, Race & 学习为“多样性”这一概念及其在高等教育机构中的实施提供了多层次的检验, the corporate world, the religious community, the larger community, including public service.

    • National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in Higher Education NCORE

      A dynamic annual conference held over five days that builds a community of inclusion; it is a place for building skills, alliances, and knowledge about issues of race and ethnicity in higher education.

    • Strengthening Student Success


    • Resilience of Racism Conference


    • StirFry Seminars

      Cross-Cultural Facilitation Skills for Diversity Trainers Educators & Therapists: Five Day Intensive

Content editor:
Monica Brown
(530) 895-2256